IMDb Watchlist Analyzer

Upload your CSV export from IMDb to visualize insights on movies, TV series, and mini-series you've watched and rated. No data is sent anywhere; all analysis is done locally in your browser.

Selected file

Movie watching experience

A breakdown of your movie ratings, showing how many films you found Boring (1-3), Average (4-6), Good (7-9), or Masterpiece (10).

Other content experience

Similar rating distribution for TV series, mini-series, and other content types, helping you compare your experience with different formats.

Era-wise metrics

How your ratings are distributed across different time periods, from classic to modern content, revealing your experiences for different eras.

You vs IMDb

Compare your personal ratings with IMDb's community scores to see how your taste aligns with or differs from the general audience.

Yearly Metrics

Track your viewing history based on the release year of the content, showing the total watched and rating breakdowns for each year.

Genre analysis

A visual map of your most-watched genres, with larger blocks representing genres you watch more. Please note that, IMDb assigns multiple genres to a single title (movie, series, or other content). If a title has multiple genres or sub-genres, each one will be counted once in all the main genres.

Genre metrics

Shows how you rate different genres, helping you identify which categories you consistently enjoy or dislike.

Directors Analysis

A breakdown of your top 15 most-watched directors, showing your rating distribution for each director's work.

Runtime Analysis

Distribution of content by runtime duration, categorized into different time ranges with rating breakdowns.